Thursday, November 3, 2011

going away (and thank you) present

My former teacher just moved to Morocco to open a hotel. What an adventure!!!
 I thought a nice little blue birdy would be a cheerful companion...paired up with some lovely music from the fabulous cellist, Sol Gabetta.
I made him using a pattern from Ana Paula Rimoli's book Amigurumi two. The original pattern is her branch mobile...i just made one little bird and one vine and made it loop so that it could be hung up in a window or maybe the rear view mirror. I hope he makes good company.
She was a wonderful teacher and i'm really wishing her luck with her hotel!!


Clivia Schmidt said...

Total schön!
Du hast es echt drauf!!!!

Clivia Schmidt said...

Liebe Leigh, schau mal auf meinem Blog nach - ich sollte 5 Blogs für einen Award aussuchen und habe unter anderem auch Deinen Blog gewählt. Wenn Du den Award nicht weitergeben magst, lass es einfach so stehen... Liebe Grüße Clivia